Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Not As it Seems

The English language can be a bit tricky, so I am going to try to help you with this. Sometimes people use phrases that don't mean what you would think, have been outdated, or they are just stupid. And if you go into sales, you will be constantly bombarded with sports analogies that may or may not make sense at all. For now we'll focus on cat phrases because I just had an old client came in whom seemed to be obsessed with this whole cat thing. Watch out for the following.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.- I am sure this is true, but skinning cats is a good indicator that you will grow up to be a serial killer, or that you work at a shady chinese joint. Either way, I don't care how many ways you can skin a cat. Don't do it. This just means there are different ways to do things.

Cat's out of the bag.- I am pretty sure that kitty pelts and their transport was once a very big business based on how many ways there were to skin them. I know that beaver pelts were once high fashion so I guess that should not really surprise me. If someone says that cat's out of the bag, they really mean that a secret is no longer a secret. Also, as long as that cat is out of that bag, and everyone wants to skin it, that cat had better run.

Does the cat got your tongue? - God I hope the cat doesn't have your tounge. You ever seen where a cat licks with their own tounge? Imagine what they would do with yours.

Like a cat on a tin roof.- You may assume you should get a ladder to help the cat down, or maybe get some tin snips so that you can cut a hole in the roof the cat can crawl through to get down. What it really means is... this is the stupidest post I have done yet. Sorry, I hadn't posted in a while and I thought I should.

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