Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I have to admit that I thought you were going to be a girl. I was trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do to try to relate to this little princess. I don't understand dolls, little tea sets, and I despise most forms of dancing. Then the nurse started the ultrasound. Just like your dear old dad, there you were laying back flaunting your junk. I think you even gave us the finger in one of the pictures. I am so proud. I would have loved you either way, but man am I relieved.

I can't wait to meet you, throw you around with little regard for your well being, and just hang out like us guys do. I can't wait to explain why the DH is stupid, why a 4-3 defense is a superior base set than a 3-4, and why even though you can pee outside at a farm you can't in town (ok, you can but it has to be dark out). You can even write your name in the snow. How cool is that? By the way, peeing your name in the snow is why they teach cursive in school. Then again, they might skip writing all together and just have you type... if that is the case you cannot lay your keyboard in the snow and pee on it. That is not the same thing. Also you should know that if the snow is yellow that Daddy might have already written on it, and therefore you should not eat it.

I am so excited to have you around to hang out with. You are the coolest little dude in the world and you can't even even eat a steak yet. This is going to fun.

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