Saturday, May 8, 2010

Guns Blazing

You have a finite amount of time here. It is up to you to live life to it's fullest. If this were a country song or a sappy Oprah piece they would tell you to live like you were dying. That is not really good advice. If I was living life like I was dying I would not pay taxes, run up a credit card bill traveling, and sky dive every day of the week. The upside: crazy fun. The downside: If you don't die you will spend the rest of your life paying off credit cards, taxes, and every dream of falling from a high place will have a whole new prospective.

What I am recommending is that you don't let the fact you don't have an idea of what you are doing get in your way. Learn to cook! Your mom and I have spend endless evenings with music playing, dancing in the kitchen, and making food. Some times the food is great. Some times we both eat until we admit to the other that the dish just sucked. I do wood working because I get to spend time with your grandpa, and I don't really know what I am doing. By the way, it's my fault if you hate your crib. Sorry. Your mom spends hours upon hours writing a blog that she doesn't know if anyone reads*. Why? Because it's fun, because we want to, and because it's better than sitting idle. I write a blog that I know that no one reads*, but it helps me get my thoughts out and I like to think I am cool.

So what is the point of this? I want you to get out there and enjoy life. I want you to never be scared of failing, because we all do it. If nothing else it might work occasionally, and that is reason enough.

Just don't try to vote democrat or do drugs. One rots your soul and the other could cause death. You figure out which was which.

*It turns out that has confirmed that your mom's blog gets about 60 hits a day and my blog... well I can post my social security number and I would be safe.

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