Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Not That Scary
The media is like a moderately attractive lonely girl at a party. They desperately want attention and will do what it takes to get it. Sure, Peter Jennings isn't going to unbutton his blouse and wink at you, but this is a metaphor... or a simile, I don't know which is which. I didn't pay attention in English class a whole lot. Back to the point.
You know what happens to media outlets when they are not getting attention? They turn into newspapers. They are forgotten about, replaced, and die off faster than child stars. It use to be that newspapers were in every home and office. Now you can only find them in hotel lobbies, public bathrooms, and stuffed into homeless peoples clothing as insulation. The ones in the lobby are much much cleaner so try to stick to them.
When you flip on the news you will immediately find out that all politicians are sex crazed power hungry zealots, there is a new plaque certain to wipe out mankind, and that all corporations are trying to crush the Joe Blow on Main Street (True, false, and only kinda true). There is no positive news reported because nothing good ever happens... except that isn't true either. Sex and violence sell in America. Good deeds and charity are too boring for us. It's the same reason you will eagerly listen to a story about a coworkers affair, as told to you by a third party, but can't remember your friend's new girlfriend's name to save your life. One is fun, one is boring. Unfortunately we are wired for the unfortunate and that is why it's reported.
So when you flip on Fox News and find out that Obama is the devil incarnate and that Nancy Pelozi is his satanic partner in doom keep in mind that they are shooting for ratings. Just like when you turn on CNN and find out that all Republicans hate minorities, the environment, and puppies. The only way for media outlets to gain your attention is to shout louder and scarier stuff than the next guy. If one has a an earthquake, the next has a natural disaster of epic proportions, and the the next will have "Rumbles of Apocalypse? Signs the World is Ending."
So keep in mind a few things when you turn to the media for answers.
1. What do they have to gain from this?
Are the dirty damn liberals at CNN bashing a Republican? Is Glenn Beck calling Obama a Nazi again? They both have an agenda. Keep that in mind. If they don't pitch to their target market they will lose their followers. If Rush Limbaugh says that he thinks that President Obama is doing a good job, his audience will flee faster than French people in the face of aggression. Same thing as if the comedian Al Franken ran for senate, or the professional wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura ran for Governor.... Seriously Minnesota? Both?
2. Are they screaming, "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" over a strain of the flu?
If so, breathe deep and know that they are all full of shit. One of my best vacations was to Mexico during the swine flu epidemic. Did I die, wear a mask, or even catch a cold? No, no, and no. But we did have a great resort with a room upgrade and a near empty pool to ourselves thanks to idiots in the media declaring Mexico a hot bed of Swine Flu. Do you know how many people died from the swine flu? Neither do the experts because it's just the damn flu. People die from the flu every year and always have. This one just had a catchy name and 24 hour news cycle to make it seem worse.
3. Are they reporting on the economy?
I seriously believe that my generation has seen two financial meltdowns of epic proportion in large part to the media telling us on a 24 hour news cycle that we are experiencing financial meltdowns of epic proportions. It's the power of positive thought in reverse. (Fun experiment. Hold out your arm and think negative thoughts. Try to push down your arm. Easy right? Now think about how great you are, and what wonderful things you can accomplish. Now push down... Not so easy huh?)
That is what the media does to our economy all the time. They keep telling us that the economy is fat, ugly, and no one loves it until we all believe it. God forbid the economy ever pledges for a Sorority or Frat. We'd all be screwed until pledge week was over.
4. So which news channel should you watch my son? I would never try to influence that. You will have to figure that out on your own free from my persuasion.
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