Should you be in touch with your emotions? Yes. Just as long as those emotions are manly. I don't want you to ever look at GQ for fashion advice. I don't want you to look at paint samples unless you are trying to match the Cubs or Bears colors. I want you to be a man. A manly man. The list that follows are things that I think you should do, or find of interest.
Boobs- Let's start simple. Your original buffet becomes proof that god loves us.
Football- It's a rough sport with cheerleaders. A very manly combo indeed.
Rugby- Manly sport with an international flair.
Soccer- Just seeing if you are reading. Soccer is not manly.
BBQ- Smoke+Meat+hours killed with a beverage= Manly
Beer- Very Manly once it's legal for you.
Fashion- See Soccer
Frats- Not Manly, at all
Charcoal Grills- It's fire in a pure form
Travel-You can't make fun of peoples accents adequately until you hear them in person. Unless they are French.
French- The language, the people, the unconditional surrender... NOT MANLY
Fart Jokes- Manly Men love a good fart joke
Providing- A man takes care of their family
Baseball- Manly and an American tradition
MMA- So manly that only the unbalanced can succeed
Sales Jobs- It's like sports for those of us who can't be athletes
Friends- The only thing more important is family. Friends are like family with a screening process.
The Cubs- Harder to believe in than religion.
Bacon- Show me a man who doesn't love bacon and I will show you a man who has secret ovaries.
Home Improvement- A man takes care of their home, a real man does it themselves.
Steak- mmmmmmm...... steak..... so many types... so good
Fire- If we didn't have fire, we would be monkeys with less hair and better thumbs. Fire is good.
Power tools- I don't think that "He who dies with the most tools wins, " but I sure as hell believe that he who can't borrow those tools experiences hell sooner. Buy them when you can.
Being a husband- The manliest of all things. If you do that well the rest of life will fall into place. I did well. And finally....
Being a dad- I can't wait, and you still have 3 months to go.
Be manly, make me proud little embryonic dude.
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