Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Punch Things

Don't be that guy. Everyone knows some guy that got mad, probably while drinking, and punched a hole in the wall. No one likes that guy. Not your dad, your girlfriend, or your roomates who just saw their deposit disappear. Your chances of breaking your hand are much higher than your chances of impressing anyone. I have always wanted to punch a hole in the wall to see how hard it is, but never have just because of this fact.

As anyone who has hung drywall can attest, I am very bad at knowing where studs are going to be. I put about 5 screws into the drywall before I find a stud most times. Why is this relevant? Because I am quite certain my stud finding abilities would be much higher when trying to avoid them.

Most nurses don't get all dolled up for their shift unless they are on Grey's Anatomy or some other god awful show that your mother watches. I am quite certain however that the day you go to the emergency room with a shattered hand from punching a wall you will find a whole full of hotties. They will mock you. They will make your pride hurt far more than your hand.

So don't punch walls tough guy. I hate patching dry wall and having a cast sucks. So really, just count to ten, or go for a jog or something.

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