Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blow Outs

There are two types of baby poops. Normal baby poops, and then "Oh my god I think Cruz swallowed an air compressor tied to a rotten animal carcus compost bin" poops. The last couple nights have been the former. And it's gross.

We are talking poo from the top of the back to the toes. Like toe jam replaced with toe shat. It's awful. In fact so awful that the last two days we had to go surgical and cut off the onesie and get a bath ready. I used 17 wipes just getting the poo off enough to put Cruz in the in the bath so he didn't dirty the water.

But life is like that some times. Sometimes an extra bath and a cut up onesie aren't the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that you haven't cut your nails recently.... Now where did I pur my string cheese?


  1. Hey...are you using Pampers by chance? If so, switch to Huggies Little Snugglers, and then later to Little Movers. You'll never have a problem with poop up the back again. I learned this lesson the hard way (I used Pampers George's whole first year until someone else set me straight). Now I do a lot less laundry. Huggies Overnights are great too when he gets just a little bigger, so that you don't have to change him at all during the night.

    Your welcome:)

  2. p.s. By no means does this mean I'm admitting to reading your blog.
