Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's Bigger Than That

Ever since you came home from the hospital our time has been full. Your mom wants to do some decorating when I get home, we both want to eat, and somewhere in between we have to figure out how the hell to be good parents as well. That picutre above is of a guy that got me here, and has tried to teach me a thing or two about being a good dad. His advice was, "Just love 'em as much as you can."

Pure. Simple. Ray J logic. You don't require a doctor's knowledge or a grandma's touch. You just need to know that you are safe, dry, warm, and cared for. As many "lamby chairs, and swings," self image books or whatever else the new craze is.... a baby just wants to be taken care of. It's humbling and so reassuring in the same stroke. A baby doesn't care for it's surroundings as long as someone will bounce and hum a tune. It doesn't even matter if the tune is good. I know this for a fact because my Grandma J was an angel in my mind and her voice was like a canary and cement mixer getting run over by an ugly truck. She never met a tune she couldn't kill. She was a melody assassin. I gaurantee she would agree.

It's the big things we make to big, and when we do we miss the big truths, that it's the simple things with the smallest people that make the biggest impact. I just hope you can slow down enough to see it.

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