Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You Tricky Little Shit

Congratulations my son, you are officially a Jorgensen male. Even with the advantages of modern medicine you have still managed to pull a fast one on the doctor. Last week the doctor guessed you at five pounds which is kinda small. The Dr. then ordered an ultrasound for the following week to check your size. You are really damn near 7 pounds. You are a tricky little fatty which makes me very proud.

When I was born, and your Uncle Gabe for that matter, the Dr. thought we were girls. That was back when the Dr.'s only tool was some kind of voodoo hippy magic and a coin toss, but we fooled them. Jorgensens 1, World 0. For the record, they didn't have ultrasounds back then. They knew as soon as they pulled up the ultrasound image that you were a boy. I am proud of you Tommy Tripod (Single Tear).

So now with three weeks left please do me a favor, stop growing your head size. Your mom and I would both appreciate that.

1 comment:

  1. Strap a 2 x 4 to your butt, oh thoughtful husband that you are.
