Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Possible Job Openings

You can be whatever you want to be. I will never pressure you into a career that you don't want to go into. I will however take this chance to mention a few possible gigs that you could keep your eyes on. Keep in mind that these are the top of the line when it comes to cool, and I will not support you financially while you pursue the dream. If you make it however, I will be back to cash in.

Rock Star- There is not a cooler job in the world, as long as you are one of the very few that actually make it. Otherwise it's just really sad. So just be one of the very few that make it big and it will be a great gig. When you think of it, every concert is an appointment. You can open every appointment by screaming "WHO'S READY TO ROCK??" and everyone will scream back in adoration. If I opened an appointment with screaming anything at my clients I would have dead old people and stinky chairs.

If the band fails you can always be a producer, label executive, or music executive. VH1 is probably holding a job for you as we speak.

Starting Pitcher- Another great job. You are going to have to work hard. If it works there would be nothing cooler. Just make sure to have some good fall back options because you are one busted joint from being Mr. Whatmightvebeen. \

Model- You can move to France and pursue a career in..... Just kidding. This post is written for my son. You would not be my son if you became a model or moved to France. If you did move to France I would suggest keeping a folded up white flag. You never know when you will need to surrender. Just know I would not consider you my son at that point.

Stand Up Comedian- I always wanted to be a stand up comedian. For a while in college I considered dropping out and going on the road. I am glad now that I didn't, but I really wanted to. If I had I wouldn't have been able to have the family that I always wanted, but it would have been fun. Just know that for every great comedian, there are a million stuck in roach infested motels. Not only do you have to think you are the funniest person in your crew, but also have to think you are so funny that people will pay to see you. Think twice before taking this career path.

President- I think that being the President of the United States of America would be the worst job in the world. Any of the previously listed jobs makes more than the President. Think about that for a minute... A killer slider can make you more money than the pres... "You might be a redneck" makes more than the pres....

The President has more power than anyone in the world, but is also second geussed more than anyone in the world. It's a thankless job that causes mad stress. Look at what it does to you.

And to think, Bush looks that much older even though many said he took too many vacations, and Clinton looks that much older after taking too many interns...

It's a tough gig. Choose your profession wisely.

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