I want you to be fun. Right now you are the most fun little dude I know. I love watching you play with your toys and figure out how things work. I watch you learn what sounds toys are supposed to make and crash trucks and cars. This makes me so happy even though I know that some day I am going to have to add you to my auto insurance policy at which time crashing cars and trucks will not be near as humerous.
I want you find a good woman. Your mom has made me a better man. So far you seem to have your eyes set on a little blonde named Harper at your day care. I dropped you off at the same time as Harper and her mom the other day and her mom told me that she starts saying "Cruz! Cruz!" as soon as they pull in the parking lot. (By the way, the fact that Harper's mom is known as "Harper's mom" and I am probably known as "Cruz's dad" at day care is kind of endearing.) The day care girls have also let us know that you two play all day together and even wake each other up from naps once one of you wake up. I think that is awesome, and congrats because she is a cute little girl. You have an eye for these things. I do encourage you to branch out over these next twenty or so years, but I like where this is going.
I want you to believe in something. I don't know what that is yet, but your life will be more fulfilling with a purpose. If it ends up being something like "Occupy Wall Street" I will kick your ass out of the family. Find a purpose worth believing in.
I want you to go for it, if you want to. I wanted to be a stand up comedian growing up. I ended up being an insurance agent. It's ok to go with a safer option like I did especially because I never really had the balls or desire to go for it. If you do, then you will go with my blessing and support whether it is MIT, Broadway, The Cubs, or Second City. Of course the financial support will differ on the selection. Just a hint... MIT will get more money than Mime School.
You are growing up so fast and it is a pleasure every day to see it in progress. I love ya kid, and I can't wait to see where you are going to go.
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